Storybook At Home


Storybook's unique curriculum can now be recreated at home. During this unprecedented crisis we understand the challenges families have keeping their children happy, healthy and engaged in learning. We have a fix for that. We can help.


 A subscription service is in the works

promoting continued learning and engagement 

Please contact us for more information


Here's a sample of Storybook At Home:

Story Time from Space


A Moon Of My Own

by Jennifer Rustgi


Make a shiny full moon 


Here’s what you need:

  • Black construction paper
  • Sheet of aluminum foil
  • Scissor
  • Glue
  • Yellow construction paper
  • Stickers

Here's How

  1. Cut out aluminum foil into a large circle
  2. Crinkle it into a ball (strengthen those fine motor muscles)
  3. Carefully open the ball and flatten it out (now you have craters) 
  4. Glue the foil onto the black paper
  5. Add stickers if you have them
  6. Color with a white/yellow colored pencil 

Finger Puppet Fun

The Three Little Pigs

*If your child is new to fairy tales read our blog first!


Read Three Little Pigs (version you have at home)

Watch a video version:

For 3+ year olds:


For 5+


 Create a Finger Puppet Play:


Here’s what you need:

  • Print our template
  • Markers, crayons or colored pencils
  • Popsicle sticks or straws
  • Tape
  • Scissors

 Extension Activities:

  • Inside: build a house out of playing cards, blocks or Legos
  • Outside: gather sticks and rocks build a house

Pretend to be the wolf:
Can you blow down the houses? Which houses are the strongest?

Be a Wizard



Make a Potion! (with items from around your house):


Listen to a Storybook Workshop Classic: 


Get Well Good Knight 

read by author, Shelley Moore Thomas


Here’s what you need:


  • A large pot
  • A wooden spoon
  • Scissors
  • Paper for cutting a star
  • popsicle stick or straw
  • tape



  • Paper
  • Old magazines
  • Markers
  • Small toys



  • Gather leaves, sticks pinecones
  • Water
  • Glitter
  • Whatever you find.. be creative!



1. Write a list of ingredients for your “potion” or just start the recipe and ad lib as you put things in a pot


2. Indoors- have your child draw pictures of what they would like to put in their pot and /or

put toys, leaves, or cut pictures from magazines (good for practicing cutting with scissors). Add to the pot, STIR!


3. Outdoors- gather natural items and add to the pot, STIR!


3. Make a magic wand: cut out a large star. Tape the star to a straw or a popsicle stick


4. Decorate the star with markers or glitter


4. Put on a fun hat and pretend you’re a WIZARD!




Fun with "Potions"

Let’s Play at Home:

Create a Movie Cinema Experience

(Perfect for a rainy day)

 Showtime starts at 3pm! Or maybe the after dinner showing at 7pm!


Here’s how:

Discuss as a family what movie that you have been wanting to see (or want to see again!)  

  • The Lorax
  • Mary Poppins
  • Toy Story
  • Frozen
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Aladdin
  • Willy Wonka
  • Zootopia
  • Finding Nemo
  • Charlotte’s Web
  • Thomasina


1. Print out tickets provided by SBW, or have children make one on their own. Have children cut and decorate.

2. Make Popcorn the old fashion way, or a fun snack that can be munched on. Don’t forget your drinks with lids.  (Popcorn, popcorn, cooking in the pot, shake ‘em, shake ‘em, Pop! Pop! Pop!)

3. Set up a room with pillows and blankets. Turn down the lights and draw the shades. (Collect tickets before starting the show).  Add some math, use CLEAN real currency to buy tickets at a pretend “ticket counter”. Or make spend (no pun intended!) the afternoon making paper money!



Literature Extension: Draw or write about favorite characters or scenes in the movie! Discuss the conflicts, the resolution, and important themes.